ICERS, the Imperial County Employees' Retirement System, is responsible for the prudent management of investments and benefits for its members and is dedicated to providing quality services to its members.
This estimate shows your projected retirement allowance based on your current salary. It is not a guarantee of future salary, benefits, or continued membership with ICERS or any reciprocal system.
The Retirement System will conduct one seminar for the employees each year. Department Heads will be notified of the date via email.
At these seminars Retirement provides an overview of retirement benefits including eligibility requirements, items that will affect your final compensation for retirement purposes, health insurance benefits at retirement and other valuable information about ICERS retirement plan to help assist you in your retirement planning.
Retiring Soon - Individual Assistance
The Retirement System recommends that each retirement system member contact the Retirement Office at least 1 year prior to their anticipated retirement date to get the individual assistance needed in planning their retirement. Members who have questions about their retirement benefits should e-mail at or call the Retirement office at (442) 265-7550 to get the proper information.